Just measure the seal housing diameter on the gearbox (outer diameter), shaft diameter (inner diameter), and thickness of the old seal. These are the dimensions you need.
The driveshaft seals are easy to find, try to get double lipped ones.
The primary shaft seal is directional (clockwise rotation), you will notice that it has small ridges around the sealing lip. This must be taken into account, and if you can't find a standard seal like this, you will have to buy it as a Renault part. These seals are "offset" on some gearboxes, that means the sealing lip is not located on the seal centerline. It is better to use that offset seal, but you can also calculate where the sealing lip will be located and determine whether you will be able to use a normal seal, or an offset one. On the R4 gearboxes it is possible, I am not sure if the 5 speed gearbox has any difference on this.