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RHD Numbers


does any one know how many RHD GTLS are still on he road in the U.K. ?
I don't know if you've seen this page, but it might help - no distinction between RHD and LHD, though, and I'm not sure how accurate the figures are. I seem to remember that UK GTLs ended on 'D' plates.

RENAULT 4 GT L - How Many Left?
The reason I ask and what got me thinking is I came across this advert
the the advertiser states only 120 RHD left on the road.
The reason I ask and what got me thinking is I came across this advert
the the advertiser states only 120 RHD left on the road.
That sounds close to the mark. In 2014 in the UK there were were about 120 GTLs on the road and 140 off the road. Fewer of other variants. Maybe 200 RHD Renault 4s in total on the road but probably less.
That sounds close to the mark. In 2014 in the UK there were were about 120 GTLs on the road and 140 off the road. Fewer of other variants. Maybe 200 RHD Renault 4s in total on the road but probably less.
I always wondered how a once pretty common car can disappear from the roads in this way. I know that here in Italy the cars suffer way less rust and you can pass the MOT way easier, but a 4L, usually the later 80s versions, are still a quite common sight.
The "howmanyleft" website suggests less than 200 Renault 4s on the road. Use Google and you'll find this site.