Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Road Tax


Hello, what are fellow owners paying for road tax, for six and twelve months. Is there a significant difference between 850, 950 and 1100 cc motors? I'm about to tax my 1992 Savanne 950, from memory it's about £80 for six months. I only ask because I was looking an 04 Clio and it was only £130 for twelve months.
Somehow that doesn't seem right.
anything pre 74 is tax free
anything before 2001 goes on engine size, anything below 15/1600cc (dunno which) is one fixed price, anything above is another.
after 2001 its done on emissions. £130 sounds alright for a cilo, small engine? My Bora TDi 1.9 comes in at £145 so maybe not.
According to from April 2015 one year is £145 (£79.75 for 6 months) for cars with engines 1549cc and below registered before 1 March 2001 (and on or after 1 January 1975).

So, no difference for any (standard) R4 engine: it's either tax-free (if registered before 1 Jan 1975), or £145/£79.95 for all later R4s.

Your Clio costs less to tax as it is in the new emissions-based system.
£145! You don't want to be taxing my Avantime then...

Also have a 600cc motorbike to tax and a S reg audi tdi to tax so it all fun. Parents fiat 500 new shape is only £35(!?)
1974-2001 are just up to 1549cc/over 1550cc so all R4s will be £145 this year.

My other car is £265 so it seems quite cheap to me!
Free tax (Historic) is available from date of manufacture which is obviously earlier than the registered date. My 1976 Daimler was manufactured in Sept 1975 but will only qualify for free road tax next year 2016
Chancellor announced some messing around with road tax in the last budget. My understanding is from April 2016 tax for cars less than 7 years old will remain confusing, but between 7 years and 40-41 years old the tax will be a flat rate of £140 per year. Cars over 41 years old will be tax free.

I feel my Renault 5 has paid enough tax already and has got to the point where it might be considered more environmentally sustainable than a brand new car, but it isn't due to be tax free for another 8 years. Boo Hiss.
I might be wrong on two counts. It looks like the new road tax starts in 2017 and only applies to new cars. Older cars remain the same.