Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Seat damage


Have just returned from France with a 1992 4 Savanne which was a great adventure, the car was fantastic and a source of interest wherever we stayed for the night. The seat was very uncomfortable which made the drive quite uncomfortable. I've stripped the seat and found that the back is completely broken, as the metal mesh support is collapsed down one side. Can anyone suggest a repair or someone who can fix it?

I've solved the problem temporarily by fitting two VW Polo seats from 2003 crash victim, they fitted remarkably easily but are too high really to remain forever.
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I've made repairs to my Clan seats recently using wire coathangers. It's not as strong as the original wire, but it seems OK so far. Here are a few photos.
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Nice job with the coat hanger :cool:

I repaired mine last week, had exactly the same problem. I welded the broken springs bank together, worked a treat.


Seat repair

Thaks chaps, fully inspired to have a go tomorrow, I didn't think that it was repairable but will try.. I might use gas welding rods, see if they will do.