Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Seat frame shape


Not normal for Norfolk
Wymondham Norfolk
Hello everyone ....I'm hoping someone can cast some light on this curio.

TL models (those with individual front seats) have seat backs (squabs) that curl backward at the top to create a roll shape along the top edge.

GTL models have a simpler squarer shape to the top back of the squabs.

I've ordered some new covers from France designed for a TL. So wondering if the metal frames beneath are different to a GTL (like mine) in this location to support the rolled shape ?
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The TL seats are a bit wider than the GTL so the frames will be different. On the GTL the seats became narrower to make more room for the handbrake - it is a bit of a squeeze if you use TL seats but still possible. I think the top rail is a little further back as you say. I've not tried changing covers from one to the other. Hopefully they won't be too different.
Thanks Malcolm ...the differences GTL to TL are really quite comprehensive though on face value not so much. Oh dear I hope the seat covers will fit ok -maybe I could email the maker