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Seized 4 GTL Engine.

John Alliott

New Member
My 1985 Renault 4 GTL has been dry stored since 1995 in Guernsey. The Renault dealer there has recently recovered the car and advised me that the engine was seized. But after using a spray-on loosener, WD 40 I imagine, they managed to free the engine manually and now it can be be turned by hand.
They are reluctant to try and start the car in case further damage is caused.
Does anyone think, as I do, that it would be OK to start the engine anyway, since the alternative is a complete engine rebuild?
The car has only covered 56k miles.
Any comments gratefully received.
Many thanks.
Hello john, one chum of ours had the prob, he changed the oil and filter and put a new set of plugs and points,condenser etc,fresh petrol in carb and bingo the old girl started first time. one could try this ,after all as it turns ok it will more than likely be fine ,as you say whats the alternative but an engine rebuild if its not, and if it starts ok you have saved yourself a lot of money good luck, mike ps let us no how you get on
It is likely the piston rings have become stuck to the pistons while the engine was a bit stuck so will need to come out anyway.

The risk of starting the engine is that stick rings and other bits of rust might score the bores. Though liners can be changed. More chance of getting muck around the engine when you change the liners so more hassle and cleaning involved.

Worth turning the engine on the starter with plugs out to get oil around the engine before trying to start it.
i would go with taking the plugs out which presumably they have done already 2 free off the engine with plenty of oil down the bores cranking over with the plugs out until the oil light goes out
once all the oil has been blasted out the plug holes confirm there is compression on all 4 cylinders make sure you've got some fresh petrol to the cArb and go from there with the new plugs back in and once started let it run at a fast idle until warmed up then change oil and filter
My rodeo same engine was also stuck after a 15 year resting period and is running fine now

Many thanks everyone for the advice. It gives me much more information to proceed with. I'll come back soon with the results - fingers crossed!
all above is good advice. I would mix some diesel with auto-gear oil and pour a little down the bores,turn a few revolutions by hand
then crank it with the plugs still out b4 starting it with plugs in.this way the pistons/rings are lubed so with luck you should be good
to go -R.
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paraffin is said to be good for siezed piston rings, just need to pour some two-three times in every cylinder with couple of hours intervals. After a day they should be loose.
I just freed stuck pistonrings in my was seriousely stuck but after only one day with diesel/autogear-oil it is now
turning nicely,but paraffin is also good due to high content of lubricating in it.. just amatter of taste I guess.
anyhoo-hoep you get it rolling soon.
-Torqay nice place by the way! -R.
mine was seized to and had been stood in a garden for 6 years and used as a chicken hut, i did the same as everyone has said above and i've just come back from Scotland and just clocked up 8000 miles since July last year, so don't lose faith persevere.