Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Spare parts


I was just wondering if anybody has used Der Franzose based in Germany and if yes what you thought of them
Very easy to read website, quick delivery and answers email queries promptly. used them many times with no problems, so can recommend. Postage is a bit expensive thats why I try to order more than one item at a time to offset the cost
R-Quatre are a very good site and dont rip you off for postage.....they are trying to get the site updated with English but a phone call to them and the order is ready for you ( they speak English ) and quick delivery from Holland also.
I used recently. They were incredibly helpful and responded to my English email very quickly. As the website is not in English, I was instructed in how to complete my order in the email. Very quick delivery to the UK after paying as well. They offer certain parts which others don't - such as the "Savane" stickers individually, rather than as a part of a set - although some bits are more expensive than Der Franzose.

I visited Melun Retro Passion in August and everything on my list was seemingly out of stock. I also popped over to France last week and visited Retro Car's in Abbeville (spot the incorrect use of the apostrophe in their title!) They were quite expensive and their 'new' bumpers are scraped and damaged.
Don't be too hard on Retro Passion- August is the very worst time of the year for them- everyone has just cleaned out all their bits to put on their "Raid" cars over the holidays and all the manufacturers are now on holiday and they can't restock. Having said that I know its frustrating, I'm in the same boat.
Just was looking some small bits and peaces at their web!

Will send them email and see what will answer be!