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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Sparkford Auto jumble



The Haynes museum in Somerset has these autojumbles regularly and I will be around in March 2013 so I thought I may go.

Who has had any experience of this event? Is there likely to be stalls that speak R4, or any other French car for that matter?

Thanks in advance

Hi there Melc, I must say I've never been to an auto jumble at the Haynes Museum, but my experiences of other auto jumbles is very much a lack of R4 parts, or indeed parts for any French classics to speak of. The exception might be the Beaulieu auto jumble usually held in May and September, it's huge and could well have some Gaelic offerings for sale. Your best bet of course is a trip to France for parts if you get a chance, and I do know of one place in Brittany that sells Renault spares, also I recently visited the motor museum at Loheac in Brittany and the autojumble on that weekend I was there was tres bien. Regards Brian.
Thanks for that Brian

I will probably go maily for the museum anyway but thanks for the heads up. There is nothing worse than expecting something and getting nothing
Sorry to be a bit negative with reference to R4 bits, but it's only resently that the 4 has gained a bit of interest in classic circles over here. When they were current back in the 70s and 80s most of them were scrapped due to the dreaded rust, so sadly very few spares were saved. The museum at Sparkford is well worth a visit anyway as is Beaulieu if you get a chance. Regards Brian.