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Springs on gear linkage rod


hi seen a diagram in my Haynes manual that suggests that there are springs attached does anyone know if that's right please


All have a anti rattle spring on the vertical rod out of the g/box and later cars have one on the horizontal bar above the engine
I have two springs

One on vertikal rod that goes out from gearbox

Second one on hotizontal rod
I might have used.

Need to find them first in one of many boxes

Will get back to you!
Sorry Brian for to late answer but unfortunately can not find those springs.

I am convinced that have them but can not find them..

If I stumble on them will let you know...if you do not solve problem elsewhere
Fantastic Chaps! That has answered that question. Will sort those springs out tomorrow after breakfast.
For a 1982 R4, the springs are there to pre-tension the gear lever mechanism, so when in neutral the gear knob is biased towards the 3rd/4th gear plane. To select 1st gear, you should have to twist the gear knob to the left to engage the 1st/2nd gear plane. If the springs are missing, the gear selection will be not be so precise. When working properly, changing gear from 2nd to 3rd (with a very light touch) should be a straight push forward movement, with the springs providing the bias towards the 3rd/4th gear plane. Simple, but very effective....
thanks @John Edmonds but this is the explanation for the first picture, I have that main spring.
My R doesn't have rubber ring with spring.
Not quite shure what it purpose of that horizontal rod spring.
I think it is for keep rod tight for better filling and not ratling
Hi Petak... I agree with you, the horizontal gear rod can suffer with harmonic vibration, so the spring here will help to minimise these rattles. You'll also notice there are further holes in the bracket welded to the horizontal gear rod, so you can experiment with different (or additional) spring locations, whatever will give you the most satisfying gear change.