Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Starter Motor



I have a 4GTL and need to remove the starter motor which is faulty. I have removed the bolts (only 2 fitted!) how do I now get it out?
remove the bracket sitting diagonally across it then disconnect wire and pull the whole item rearwards
you may have to wiggle it as it tight as H** It might help if you loosen the frame/motor-mount nut
and jack the motor up a bit NB! -I gather you have already disconnected battery -Also DO get that
bracket back on after....-Reid.
Well I now have the starter motor out - undid the streering column. I have another one which I was told come from a R4 which is one inch shorter. The one from my car is a bosch one that looks like a replacement (cleaner than the rest of the engine)

Any advise on testing them both?
A decent auto-electrician should be able to check its efficiency. Where in Devon are you?
Might be a bit far for you, but Alterstart in Barnstaple specialise in alternators and starter motors.
Thanks Barnstaple is within reach - on the way to the beach so quite possible.
Blimey, I was born in Barnstaple & "learnt the trade" at Bideford Motors in the 1970s! They were V.W. dealers then & I received a good apprenticeship! If you were living in north London, where I now live, I could recommend "Unit Exchange" in Borehamwood, but I expect that's a bit far. Although there's always the post.....