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Steering rack differences?

Steve I

Hi can anyone tell me the difference between the two types of racks?
I fancy putting the early type of rack on my three wheeler, just for the 1930s look.
Any advice would be welcome
One difference is that the pre-65 racks had a return spring inside to centre the wheels. Later ones when they changed the camber of the wheels would centre themselves and didn't need the spring.
I don't really know as I've not actually laid hands on a later one, but I suspect the tie arms on the ends would be different to go with the different suspension geometry. The mounting points under the radiator I bet are the same though.
The early rack is fixed on a sheet metal mounting, and then on the chassis, the later one is fixed directly on the chassis. The mounting points are the same. So the rack should come with this mounting.
The track rod ends have different tapers, if my memory serves me well, and will not fit correctly on the stub axle carriers, but then you may be able to fit late track rod ends to the early rack.
Note that I am referring to the "late" steering rack and track rod ends as the 1969 to 1979 ones. There was the actual late one (1979 onwards) with ball jointed track rods (earlier ones have a Flexibloc bush and through-bolts).