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Steering wheel adjustment

Paul Narramore

Aylesford, Kent
Yes, I have done a search but there seems to be nothing here. The steering wheel on my R4GTL is a tad off centre. Nothing too much to worry about but it would be nice to have it correct. I wondered if the far end of the steering column might be splined, as on the early Minis, but apparently not. Haynes isn't at all helpful saying any adjustment to the steering is "too complex" to go to a dealer. What do you knowledgable folk have to say about that?
The steering wheel itself is splined, but (assuming it hasn't been messed with previously) it is better to adjust the tracking to centre the steering wheel.
The flaw in that plan malcolm is it is possible to end up with too much lock one way
even identical number of threads on track rod ends can end up with tyre or rim touching antiroll bar drop links
Assuming tracking is set correct and there is an even gap on link to wheel rim I would then recenter steering wheel undo 21mm nut leave on last thread and rock gently pulling to release
I'm unsure if the tracking is correct Paul and there is no sign of undue tyre wear to suggest this but I do find the steering becomes a bit heavy on roundabouts (say), more heavy than my 2CV with of course it's much lighter engine. Should Ian find the long-lost car jack, I may well take a run down to Worthing so perhaps you might take a look at it?

(Later) I was unable to undo the 21mm which was not only done up F tight but staked. Was that you Paul? Anyway, another time.
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The "steering wheel" end of the steering column is splined. Prise off the plastic cover (it's a push fit), remove the nut that holds the steering wheel in place (may need a rubber hammer on the spanner to get it moving), jiggle the steering wheel until it comes loose, then move it round one spline at a time until it is straight. Doesn't correct any tracking faults, of course, but a steering wheel not pointing straight ahead is dangerous (one tends unconsciously to drift : particularly at night when you can't actually see the steering wheel).
Thanks. The nut refused to budge so I need a longer Tommy bar. Dangerous? I don't see that at all. I'm far to busy looking down the road - forward vision - to care whether the steering wheel is spot on or not. I'm just going to correct it for appearances sake.