Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Storing a R 4 during winter

Merkator Fontana

Bosnia and Herzegovina
The idea is to keep my renault off the salty roads during winter , but i do not have a garage , so basically i was thinking to cover it with something waterproof and maybe take the wheels off.....Any experiences ,suggestions?
Hi there! Best would be to have good air-passage/ventilation under tarp or cover. Some old scaffolding-beams in a X 5ocm higher than car
would suffice.. If poss open all windows a little bit ,also open ventilation in dash to furtehr avoid moisture and mouldew inside..Put in on stands with buckets up-side down between stands and chassie to avoid mickey mouse and his extended family to move in.... -Reid
Essential to have draught moving between car and covering, and to have the windows open a bit. Helps avoid condensation. Also the axle stands standing in water, ie a bucket or something similar to avoid mice getting up them and into the car. They got into my pals car( audi) through the drainage box at the bottom of the windscreen, ate their way via tubes into his air conditioned glove compartment, built an extensive nest there and then got into the car interior, and for some reason ate the leather off the front corners of his two front seats. They like rubber, plastic, spongy stuff, plastic on wires, hoses.........