Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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stuck brake pipe assembly.


Could someone let me know what the process is for getting the brake pipe to brake line assembly disassembled? I attach a photo. Everything is rather rusty so Im not sure what is stuck to what.
I can see A (the brake line) will come out of B. Its getting the flexible pipe undone thats tricky.
Many thanks
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Lots of penetrating fluid on A and B. Leave it for a while and then put some more on.

Grip the flexible at E with molegrips or similar and use a good ring spanner on A to undo it. Do not round it off, so be careful.

Once that is disconnected, remove C (clip), maybe with a screwdriver and hammer tapping it downwards. This then releases the flexible from the hanger D.
You can also 'crack' the corrosion to loosen the thread by tightening a pinch first then loosening off, also easy to just cut the hose to get at it better, you're going to throw it anyway I assume. Belt the clip off with a flathead screwdriver and a mallet, when putting back on make sure it is fitted in a direction that allows removal at a reasonable angle, the rear left has marginal space to work in.