Hello all,
I'm vaguely thinking about making a replica fabric sunroof for my '68 model, as the tin roof has quite a few bits of bog in it. I thought taking all the bog out and the requisite shrinking would be a very hard job to do well, whereas cutting out the centre pressing and raising the edges, then spotwelding in a stiffener lip, might be a lot easier.
However to do this I would really need to get a much better understanding of the structural details of the lip section and its attachment, also the retainers for the headlining, on cars fitted with the original sunroof.
Would anyone possibly be able to oblige with some nice close up photos and maybe some dimensions (section widths, metal thickness etc????)?
If I do get enough info anad decide to go ahead I'll keep you all posted.
I'm vaguely thinking about making a replica fabric sunroof for my '68 model, as the tin roof has quite a few bits of bog in it. I thought taking all the bog out and the requisite shrinking would be a very hard job to do well, whereas cutting out the centre pressing and raising the edges, then spotwelding in a stiffener lip, might be a lot easier.
However to do this I would really need to get a much better understanding of the structural details of the lip section and its attachment, also the retainers for the headlining, on cars fitted with the original sunroof.
Would anyone possibly be able to oblige with some nice close up photos and maybe some dimensions (section widths, metal thickness etc????)?
If I do get enough info anad decide to go ahead I'll keep you all posted.