Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Thermostat location


Hello . My car is a 1972 Renault 4s FASA 852CC . I have just got the car tested here in Spain so that I can use it locally but when I did a little longer drive the other day it overheated so I'm stuck for what to check as I've flushed out most pipes . Can anyone tell me where the thermostat is please because it's not where I looked .

IMG_20220223_153013460.jpg IMG_20220223_153033543 (1).jpg
It is (should be) located in the top radiator hose, water pump end.
That is what I thought but as you see in the picture there is nothing there . That is why I'm asking for help .
Perhaps it has been removed (maybe in an attempt to solve the overheating problem).

Is there air in the system?
I have previously tried to flush out the system but I'm sure I have more things to do . When I first started to work on the car I had to remove the heater assembly because someone had used an iron tube to join the water pipes to the heater and hence it had rusted and blocked the pipes and heater matrix so at least having it out of the car I completely flushed it out and replaced the pipe connections with copper . It's possible that the water pump is clogged and that is why first of all I wanted to check the thermostat . I guess I will have to check for anymore blockages . This car has only done 32000 kilometres but has been stood for a lot of the last 50 years and stood for 4 years before I got it .
Thank you for your communication .