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Tie Rod end thread M10??


Tunbridge Wells England

I just separated my tie rod end and when I tried to put the nut back on it didnt go so I bought a new M10 nut and it doesnt fit. I checked the old nut and it has the number 10 stamped on it and the letter N .

I am tearing ,my hear out as I have bought another nut from Halfords with M10 and that doesnt fit either.

Is it and M10?

As I am leaving in 2 weeks I have had to buy a brand new Tie Rod costing £30 from der fransoze arrrgghhh just because this nut doesnt fit.

Has anyone had the same problem?


Looking on Google, an N10 nut seems specifically to be a locknut. Probably it has a different thread pitch to an M10. There seem to be plenty of references to an N10 thread online so it shouldn't be too difficult to find one, I'd think.
Hi Sprackers, sometimes when people try to remove a stuck tie rod end they hit it with a hammer to dislodge it and the end threads mushroom outwards. I've had the problem before and usually just file the end part a bit smaller so its easier to get started.

Also as Benchseat says, it's a locknut so it will go on one way, with the locking part underneath, but you've probably tried that already?

If the nut was on your tie rod, then it should surely go back on.
The tie rod is probably M10x1.25 fine thread. When you ask simply for an M10 nut you are going to get the coarse threaded M10x1.50 one.

Thanks chaps for all you always helpful advice.

I didnt succumb to hitting it with a hammer as I have a ball joint separator (excellent bit of kit) and used that and it worked superbly. What I will do is advised file down the end a little.

I searched the internet putting in M10 N and didn't get anything.

I will search now for N 10 thanks for the advice on that.

I have been getting lock nuts.

ps. pack of 20 X M10 lock nuts for sale :laughing: (course thread)

15 days to go until myself and Christine and my co-pilot (Dad) head to the Pyrenees. for a week.

Find an M10 Bolt which your new M10 nut should fit perfectly, then offer the Bolt up side by side next to the tie rod thread. You will be able see if they are the same pitch.