Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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User manuals


I know this has been answered before, but i can only find very old posts with dead links.

I'm looking for a manual for a 1992 R4TL, the 950cc 112C engine. Haynes seem to do one that jumps from the 845 to the 1108 engine but misses out the 950cc one, even though it is almost identical to the 1108.

I have found a link to a site that *says* that it has a very complete manual but there is no preview and the text clearly refers to 'cars' generically rather than the R4 specifically (it mentions aircon!). Anyone know about this?

I can read French, by the way.

I need to get to the little ends and so i want to know if it is an engine-out procedure, or if I can remove the sump and work around the crankshaft, or push the gudgeon pins out with the pistons poking out of the top of the block (with the head off)... that kind of thing.

I know this has been answered before, but i can only find very old posts with dead links.

I'm looking for a manual for a 1992 R4TL, the 950cc 112C engine. Haynes seem to do one that jumps from the 845 to the 1108 engine but misses out the 950cc one, even though it is almost identical to the 1108.

I have found a link to a site that *says* that it has a very complete manual but there is no preview and the text clearly refers to 'cars' generically rather than the R4 specifically (it mentions aircon!). Anyone know about this?

I can read French, by the way.

I need to get to the little ends and so i want to know if it is an engine-out procedure, or if I can remove the sump and work around the crankshaft, or push the gudgeon pins out with the pistons poking out of the top of the block (with the head off)... that kind of thing.

Hello Giles. Hope you don't mind me asking but I have the same problem that you had. I have just bought a 1992 r4tl with 950cc engine and can't seem to get hold of the manual. Would you possibly know the torque settings for the head bolts and the sequence. Many thanks. Malcolm.