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Valve numbering

Paul Narramore

Aylesford, Kent
When I get around in a few weeks to adjusting the valve clearances, one important fact not found in my Haynes manual are the valve numbers - 1 to 8. How are they numbered? 1 nearest the radiator, or 1 nearest the bulkhead? I wonder why Haynes omitted this piece of information and why a search of this forum failed to locate it?
I think Renault nominate the bulkhead end of the engine as number 1.
My tried and tested way is (as many do) is get a piece of cardboard the size or bigger than the head and push the valves through the cardboard in the order and position that they came from in the head, that way they go back as they came out.
Piston number 1 is the nearest to the flywheel, isn't it?
So I think we should proceede numbering the valves.
The only time it matters is when setting the distributor drive gear position. For anything else either end is fine as number 1.
I agree with Azazello, valve No1 is the one closest to the flywheel.

If you're going to be following the Heynes manual, like I did, that's what they say as well.

Cylinder number 1 is also closest to the flywheel
I have read Haynes again and again and my copy has no mention of valve numbering. Never less radiator end is No1.
Page 50? presuming you've got the same Heynes as I have. It's a chapter on valve rocker clearances-checking and adjustment.

it says the valves are numbered 1-8 starting from the front of the cylinder head. If you haven't got that, I can scan and email the whole section for you
MB, You are damned right. How could I have failed to have seen that?. Now highlighted with yellow highlighter pen ;-) (PS I phoned a friend up today - he's 73 - who told me he'd been out for a nice lunch with friends. "Oh yes" I said "and where did you go?" There followed a pregnant pause, and he simply couldn't remember).
Fortunately my R4 knowledge seems to remain intact
Remembering to do daily tasks I seem to forget a lot of those especially household chores my wife asks me to do ☺