Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

What have I got wrong


I've got something drastically wrong as the image shows. The driveshaft is butting up against the lower suspension arm, and the bolt holding the lower ball joint.

I confess my renovation is the combination of a 1984 GTL 1128 (with disc brakes) and a salvaged French import TL 1123. However I can't see anything in the manual that should stop this working. Haynes mentions caster angle changes post 1969, but the TL is well past this date. Anything really obvious I'm doing wrong?
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Confusing, as all late front suspension parts are interchangeable... Which parts did you use from one car, and which from the other?
I had the same problem with my restoration even if i didn't do a R4 puzzle. ;)

Check that the front wheel bearings are seated properly, check that all the washers are in a correct position and fasten the whell-hub-nut very tight!

That should give you the clearance you'll need. Hopefully...

Good Luck!


I had the same problem with my restoration even if i didn't do a R4 puzzle. ;)

Check that the front wheel bearings are seated properly, check that all the washers are in a correct position and fasten the whell-hub-nut very tight!

That should give you the clearance you'll need. Hopefully...

And cut that bolt off a little bit.

Good Luck!


It is not unusual for the bolt securing the ball joint to foul. Remove the washer and cut the top off the bolt! Check it on full droop too.

The driveshaft is more of a concern.
DavidN reminded me of another common incident while refitting the driveshaft: sometimes the copper "anti-crissement" washer fitted between the CV joint and the inner bearing gets off its place and prevents the driveshaft of seating correctly against the inner bearing. Make sure all is OK there.
I had the same problem, i did the same as everyone's suggested and it only just cleared but when i put the road wheel on and took the jack out, the weight of the car it made quite a difference in clearance between the two.
I reckon its the brush painted Hammerite that is to blame.
When I split the front gaiter, oil poured out of it. Why not here?

Are some drive-shafts greased?