Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Which is better.. R5 TS or R5 TX? Need Your attention!


Hi guys! -I'm just now in the prosess of locating and finalicing a buy of R5 TS (1300cc) Or R5 TX (1400cc)
motor plus 5-speed gearbox for fitting into my F4 (R2106)
-I know there's members on here that has a lot of knowledge and would be able to give me their opinion
as to Which of these alternatives would be the best all-round replacement for me.
We use our F4 to drive long distances,and it'is also my daily mule all summer.

So-what am I looking for??
I am more interested in a ride that can maintain high speeds (ie real useful high cruising-speed) than sheer
acceleration. Also petrol-cost (if different on the two)is of some interest. Are one more "busy" at speed that the other? Is one silky smooth while the other a total wasps-nest in earshattering noises??

I will take any/all advice,hints,rumours,etc etc into here's your chance to fly your
PS: I'll also like to hear from the Pro's on know who you are,so Please share!! The sooner-The better as I need to finalize asap...

Thanx Much/Cheers! -R.
Not a definitive answer but...

Many many years ago I had a mk1 5 GTL with a tired, 130k, 1108 of misery under its rusty bonnet. At around the same time I acquired a '77 5TS which was mechanically good but bodily rotten. 1300 lump was fitted to the GTL and mated to the standard 5 speed box and was a lovely thing - pleasingly quick yet happy cruising at speed. Can't remember what it was like for economy and the only issue I do remember was the carb freezing up when it was cold though that was largely due to having a pipercross sponge air filter which was a bit susceptible to getting cold.

I was always of the impression that the earlier 1300 was better than the 1400 though I can't remember why that is!
Firstly there are lots of suitable1300 and 1400 variants depending on year and emission specs for each country
there is early 1300 short reach plugs 75 to 79
later 79to 81long reach plugs 1300

then 81 onwards 5ts1400 points distributor

5tx 1400 electronic ignition renix unit crank sensor on bell housing duplex chain to run pas and longer camshaft with oil seal and support bearing in bell housing different water pump heavy duty bearing for offset pulleys
that's just what i can tell you about UK spec cars may be different for your part of the world
factor in several cam profiles compression ratios
too many variations to say best options
finally more relavently the 5sp box on ts tx 1.4is lower ratio ie more revs per mph than gtl 1.1tl r5 5sp ha 1box
ps was it you that restored À310

hope this helps have got a 1300 gtl engine with 5sp ha1 for sale
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HI to both of you-Thanx much for responding! The TX I'm looking into is 1397cc -83mod. (R1229)motorcode C2J P7/13 with 5-sp.gearbox (code?) gearing corresponds to 1000rpm=21mph as you say electronic ign.w.tdc-sensor

The other one (The TS) I'm off to have a good look on hopefully tomorrow.Picture of rearend of car clearly says 5 TS. id.plate in engine-bay says R122900
(which I thought would mean it to be a TX -Not a TS???? Id-plate also state R5 TS plus motorfamily(?) C2J 1397cc. 5-speed
Does this this mean I have two TX'es on my hand here..
Shouldn't the TS be a R1224 or am I totally out cycling -again??
Not me that restored a 310-had one for a short while but sold it on when I bought the D-510 turbo V6. not been used much lately-this forum must to be one
of the few places I can admit,but I enjoy driving my F4 even more.......
PS didn't I get a rear-door for another F4 years ago from you mr-reno, we met up at your barn??

PS:emissions NO problem,if you have a problem with Nox etc at MOT I can help you-Guaranteed!! Both my Alpine and my F4 and a Caddy pick-up with a 2L.Audimotor in it sails throuh every time thanx to this solution.The tester tested them for fun as if they had a cat.which they don't )the Alpine would have been ok'ed as is, the F4 had to be finetuned in his word Juuust a tad then it too would have gone through.The Caddy is a real dirty steamer but sails through every time.. -Reid.
The other ts you are talking about is a 1400 ts( look again at my time line I just posted) so basically same car without power steering may have electronic ignition if 82 or newer think gtl box would be better that's what I supplied malcolm for his gordini car pretty sure I quoted ratios and box codes on older posts 3/4yrs ago
yes we did meet at my friends barn some time back which is slowly being cleared now
did you recognise the sinpar 4wd van i posted for sale here ?
will be selling / breaking gta atmos and turbos soon have fun Paul
HI again Paul..Just got back from looking at the TS..Now that was a Total waste of time..If you've put the lot in a banana-box the box itself
would represent 99% of the value..Why can't seller just tell as it is,the buyer is bound to discover on scene of crime anyways....

You're right -it was a 1400cc TS ,never sold here in Norway so hadn't heard of other than 1300 ones b4,had twin-Solexcarb.5speed box normal ignition
w.points etc. diagnostic-socket though but both SOLID and unmovable as if manufactured in one piece!

Listen to this one..Seller told me on question that it would be a little hard to test-run -as one of the tyres had a flat..Ghee Whizzz!

Re1. This 1300 Gtl w.5-speed box you have would that be a 810-?-??? motor like mine? what would be the useful cruising speed of that combo ?
What's the state of them,All complete? runner as is? I could be tempted so if you PM me with the price we might do someth'
(Valuable intel re.the Gtl 5sp.gear-box being a better option for my needs -Thanx)

Re2. Breaking gta T. I could use the set-up Alpine made avail round 86? to get rid of problem w.overheating/vapourizing clutch And brake-fluid
due to intense heat from turbohousing. ie slave-pump and relocated lines for mounting away from turbo/down-pipe etc.. Mine is D510 Lhd. -85.
Just in case youll have it I mean...

Re3.Also if you have speedo-console (again Lhd-and in Km's)-I just need the innards of it as I can't get mine to work properly for any lenght of time.
speedo works on and off,rev.counter likewise onboard computer is a joke.. you know
electronics in it must've been made by Magneto Marelli (i didn't know they were an I'tai offshoot of Lucas,but they apparantly were! :confused:
