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Windscreen template needed

the joiner

Hello all
I am finally starting to put my Renault 4 gtl back together. It’s taken me longer than expected especially as I had to have my right wrist fused which put me out of action for a year. Anyway, I’m hoping someone can help me. Unfortunately the windscreen fell to bits when I removed it and I now need to get a new one cut but I don’t have a template or an old screen to work from. Does anyone have something that would help me please. I live in north Wales close to Wrexham and Chester. Many thanks in advance.
If your stuck I could trace a spare windscreen onto a sheet of paper and post it to you....
Thought screens were still available?
Hi, that’s really kind if you. I could get a windscreen sent from abroad but quite expensive to send. Easier and hopefully cheaper to get one cut over here, unless anyone knows where to get one off the shelf in the U.K. if you wouldn’t mind doing it I would be grateful if you could send me a tracing from your spare windscreen. My mobile number is 07854702299