MintyR4 Enthusiast Messages 48 Location Dublin May 21, 2015 #1 Hi all I've been keeping an eye out for a while for a spare windscreen. I've been offered one but he thinks it's out of a van. Are they interchangeable with a GTL or are they different thicknesses ?
Hi all I've been keeping an eye out for a while for a spare windscreen. I've been offered one but he thinks it's out of a van. Are they interchangeable with a GTL or are they different thicknesses ?
Lobster Enthusiast Messages 1,198 Location Lancashire May 21, 2015 #2 A van one won't fit. apparently they are a different shape.
mr-reno-139 AKA Paul Cunningham Messages 2,266 Location lancing west sussex england May 21, 2015 #3 F4 van fits f6 doesn't I've still got a screen but don't think posting one a good idea