Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

50th Birthday Invite

The "everyday runabouts" are the more fascinating ones, r4s were not made to collect dust in garages...
Please don't get me wrong, I love to see cars in everyday use that have that lived-in look, that have that patina. Often when a car is restored it looses it's character, and if cars have one, it's soul.
I disagree! But also agree!

A restored car loses some of the character!

But I think a restored car which is then used has just as much character if not more!
Hi Alan, yes I think I was generalising a bit. A fully restored Blower Bentley still has bucket loads of character hasn't it?:D
Hi Alan, yes I think I was generalising a bit. A fully restored Blower Bentley still has bucket loads of character hasn't it?:D

Yes especially if its being driven up the M3 at 80+ mph by a man wearing goggles and a tweed cap, like the gent I saw on Sunday.
That must have been quite a sight, and I bet it sounded beautiful. You can't really beat wind-in-the-hair motoring, or in my case, wind-in-the-lack of....:D ( Not a "Blower" but still very desirable )
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Right Renault fans

Just to give you a reminder about next weekend.

A bar is confirmed with real ale on tap, plus others drinks for the non Ale lovers.

We have a 2CV Chassis change going to take place over the weekend so people can see how its done.

Farmer has given us a field for off roading so I'm thinking about a basket of eggs race over a bumpy field. There will be 2CV's, Dyanes, Ami's Mehari's specials, H vans and registers displays turning up for the main Sunday event.

Saturday we will have the Chassis change starting, plus the gathering of the Ami's and the 50th party with cake.

Site has good showers, loos etc its near Cambridge so you could camp and use it for a base for touring or visting the city. Kids are free and Drivers of Renault 4's or other Classic renaults same price as 2CVGB members.

So as I said before it would be great to see you. If you are interested. Email me at and I'll send you a flyer.


Out to play!

Hi Matt, Head Gasket fixed in the nick of time, so I'm out to play at this one! See you there...
Sorry - didn't make it in the end. Ended up working on Saturday then realised how little time there was until Thenay to replace some of the bits of gaffer tape with more permanent solutions on the Gordini. Hoping to get to a 2CVGB meet at some point as they look like a lot of fun.

Any R4s make it? Any pictures anywhere yet?
We didn't make it either in the end - had a family birthday to celebrate.

Hoping that some 4s made it and will post pictures :)
All on my lonesome...

I made it down for a couple of hours on the Saturday in my GTL. Didn't take any pictures though as it was just my GTL sat on its own. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It looks well shonky at the mo with a half T cut bonnet, various trim bits removed and the wheels n bumpers particularly scabby. Maybe I should put a brown paper bag over it for going out in public... :eek:
Don't worry Snailshed, Felicia isn't exactly concours either. I guess we can hang out in the shonky corner together! Just wear you plaque with pride and nobody will notice haha!
Hi all, i went along on sunday the only r4 there except alastair r42cv from the renault owners club, was a great event and loads of interest in my little car, my first show am so excited,
My BB is totally Shonky too, don't worry about it, or we'll end up like the Morris Minor and VW camper scene if we're not careful where virtually every car you see at the shows is a cherished pristine vehicle, only taken out for showing off in.

I went to the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Morris Minor a couple of years ago and everything there was far too perfect!