Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

A GALLERY OF GORGEOUS - please contribute !

Incredible photos!! What's the top one parked at the Mairie? Looks like a Peugeot 202 but I didn't know they had split front windscreens.

You need to publish a book with all these old photos!
PICT0026 (17).JPG Thanks, Mojobaby.
I think the top one on this page is a Peugeot 402, but I might be wrong. I just remember it as being a beautiful car!
i don't know which I like more, the R4 or the beautiful building behind it. Obviously designed and built in a time when skilled and highly motivated craftsmen took pride in their work.
Andy mojo is right --- a book needs to be published title 'French Fancies' ?
Andy, there are plenty of book publishers for a coffee table book in the UK, you should give it a try.

Alternatively, you could contact one of the photo stock libraries. Getty Images comes to mind, but there are plenty of others.Both my son and daughter are photographers and they do it all the time.

The way it works is that your photos are displayed on the site and when someone wants to use it for perhaps an advert, calendar, etc they pay you for it's usage or buy it outright.