Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Bonjour Madame Quatrelle!

Once you have the MOT there is a a bunch of paperwork you need to post. NOVA, previous registration, the form, MOT cert etc. There are people at the other end who have to contact work.
Pretty sure when I did my Nova's that it was just an automatic online thing and you get the certificate to print out at the end of it.
No humans required.
V nice 4 by the way...
I received an e-mail telling me there was no duty/VAT to be paid along with a note saying that the NOVA 'certificate' and reference number would be sent when processed... When I imported my Porsche 914 from the USA last year, it was all sorted in one day.

EDIT: Spoke too soon! Just checked and the NOVA confirmation arrived this evening. Phew!
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