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Do I really need to dismantle half the car to get starter out

Cheers andrew will give them a go.

and heres pic of bush, also the shaft scored.
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Hi Paul

Looks like it is a short one I,be got.

Will try Mr auto, they did come up in a search,though.

ah never been much good on ebay. does that + bit work for most things?

That starter looks ok.

what is the difference between 0.9, 1 and 1.1 kw starters is it just turning power? or is there a difference in actual size as well ie narrower shorter etc.

I can't comment on the power rating but yes that trick will work try it again yourself with with first Renault 4 starter motor
Then again Renault plus 4 starter motor it will reduce the amount of useless results on any search for our cars
I have posted this method many times here and the Facebook car groups
Short of sending private messages to absolutely everyone I know online
Hopefully you are sorted now
ARGHHHH ouch ouch, bugger it etc etc etc. But got it off in the end. checked it and it is knackered, the bush thingy at the end where the pinion flie out is smashed and split. Cant see one as spare to rebuild it. So seeking a new starter.

It is a Paris Rhone D9E68, i think I have found a suitable one in Germany on Ebay

Also this one

Cant get hold of either at moment but will try monday to confirm it fits.

Anyone know anywhere else I can get one.

Cheers Gary
Got mine from Europarts a few years back but should still be possible. Not expensive.JJ
Last starter I bought was a reconditioned one from the local motor factors. Worked fine. The one thing I have learned is to be very sure of the starter before bolting it back as they are a real pain to replace.
Got one on order a Cevam from France.

Just at tip for anyone else taking one off undo the bottom nut/bolt first as if you take the top 2 off the starter drops as you undo the bottom one getting in the way. As if that's all that is in the way!!!!!

Oh and do not push the bolt out of the bell housing because it is a real pain to get back in, I know as I did just that!!!!!!

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Got new starter, got it in (sort of) now just trying to tighten that bottom nut/bolt its a bugger. Getting the nut on was a sod, I used a long thin piece of bar wit some gaffer tape on the end and the nut stuck to it, them threaded it under the starter and kept twisting till it engaged with bolt. then managed to spin it on with finger, now trying to tighten it, but the blood is rushing to my head leaning over the wing so give it a rest till tomorrow.

At least I got it into the garage at last.
Irma runs again.

Cheers to all those with tips, some worked some did not, main problem was limited space with the handbrake in the way. Still in and done.

That lone not and bolt took over 2 hours to get in and tightened, I would list the names it was called but I am sure there those that are sensitive out there.

Cheers again all.

Irma runs again.

Cheers to all those with tips, some worked some did not, main problem was limited space with the handbrake in the way. Still in and done.

That lone not and bolt took over 2 hours to get in and tightened, I would list the names it was called but I am sure there those that are sensitive out there.

Cheers again all.

Well done
I've got to fit one on 1980 gtl rhd but long starter fitted I will report back when I do it
I thought you had already removed the handbrake lever and its bracket on the's easy and saves you a lot of time and grief.
Hi Angel
Duhhhh! well next time:doh:.

Your pic did make it look easier, but assumed that was due to different handbrake position.

Anyway nothing like a bit of mild blaspheming to relieve the stress. A few bruises, scratches, aches etc and hey ho.

Hi Reno

At least the steering column/handbrake wont be in the way.

Hello all..excellent thread! I also need to remove my starter motor to clean it.. seems when the engine is cold the motor spins up but does not engage the flywheel, after repeated spin ups it will finally engage, then when the engine of the car is hot after driving, the starter motor engages every time no problems. I was advised here that maybe there is oil in the works, causing it to be stiff, to remove it and disassemble it and clean it. I am getting ready to start the disassembly, out of a 1991 lider with a 1300 cc engine... left hand drive.. will the tips/techniques work here to remove the starter motor from the top without removing the manifolds? I am in Colombia and here I have only the basic tools (my main shop is in the USA). I read here that it is easier with the smaller motors, but mine is the larger one, dont want to start the project until I know I can get it through the top without taking any more than the steering linkage apart.. thoughts?