Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Finally took the courage...

Working on the other side...

They really do rust always in the same points...

Just a couples of years ago I did not thought I would have entered in a work like this. Life sounds strange sometimes...
Works is going on... just a resumèe:

Left front floor finished:

Working on the right rear floor:

And after that i thought that there were still just a few patches to do...

It seemed I was wrong... there was this hole I was tempted to just fill with welding... but decided to explore what was going on under.

Now I have to weld a patch on the rear leg, and I fear distortion... fixed a bar to minimize movement and welded with short tacks to distribute heat...

On the other leg the situation seems better, but now I do not trust what I simply see from outside, maybe it's worth investigating a bit...
The work is going longer than I expected!
You are braver than you think.

Keep it in same direction and it would end up perfect
In the bodyshop work is going on, and the man is putting me in a hurry...

So today, after drilling holes for waxing cavities and degreasing and wirebrushing the whole chassis (terrible job!), I began the funny part.

Now in my garage everything looks lightly pinkish...
At the end the air compressor began doing strange sounds, hope nothing terrible happening... I need it for a few days still!
wow that's bright and different but looks good well done, i wish i had a spray booth like that :(
Colour is fantastic..... i adore bright and "screaming" colours on R4. It gives me some "life" and more joy while you drive it.
I love it.

Good choice Azazello!
Thank you all for your appreciations, it is vert pistache (I think), code 946. The same used a few years later for the safari model, even if they are usually seen in the turquoise livrea... (and I am seriously thinking of that color for the furgonette... but I have a long journey still before beginning to work seriously on her).
I've seen Mk1 Renault 5's in this colour and I had a model of the 5 in the same colour as a kid.
Yesterday I wet sanded the whole lot and today 2 coaches of 2pack industrial black.

Quite annoying, the paint resulted not sufficient to cover all, so I have to buy some more and give another coach. The worst thing is that I have to sand another time the chassis before painting to let the paint adhere... Any idle suggest?