Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Heater and dash

"Kilrok" works better the hotter it is. there are measures in the side of the bottle so if you put a full kettle of boiling water into your matrix then add TWO measures of Kilrok, as one measure treats a half-full kettle. Fit a funnel into the matrix hose, pour in the boiling water (or as close to boiling as you can manage) then add the Kilrok liquid. If there's a calcium build-up Kilrok will dissolve it and it foams up as a result. The effects can be dramatic with a great deal of foam and crud being brought out of the matrix. I once cleared out a water pump on my old Wartburg using Kilrok & it worked much better afterwards!