Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Kent Meeting 3rd May 2015

Thank you Becky, it sounds perfic. One question, who'll be looking after us old'ns on our own? Anyway, see you all there.

All the best, Brian.
I did wonder about borrowing some extendible dog leads to prevent any of the senior enthusiasts from having a Ross Poldark moment!

Also forgot to mention that we have a minor concession on the entrance fee- it is now £6 per person.

See you soon

XX Becky
Weather looking a bit flakey so bring your macs. Lets hope it isn't a monsoon like Hever Castle and Bredgar Light Railway!
Not me sadly off on holiday to turkey
Guess maybe some still out there
Due to a broken brake shoe, I have had to leave Mildred at a garage until Tuesday (the soonest a replacement can arrive )

I hope nobody minds if I turn up in a 2CV. I don't have any other Renaults...
We had lots of 2CVs join in a couple of years ago. It'll be good to see people whatever they drive. I have a sticky brake calliper in my R4 so I'll be there in either the F4 builders van or the R5.
Sorry to once again miss the run, we were at the other end of the country in Morecombe.
Lets hope you had better weather than us! It was grim...
Thank you so much to Derek and Becky for organising the event, and it's amazing how many people turned up considering how the day started weather wise. Great to meet friends old and new, and see some beautiful cars. I'm looking forward to seeing some of you at Thenay in July. A bientot Brian.
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Good to see everyone on Sunday. Thanks for organising the event Mrs Renospeed - it was an excellent venue.

I intended to take some photos but got chatting and forgot. Can you see who is driving Remusro's R12?

Thankyou D & B for excellent fun at Lullingstone Castle - lovely crowd and superb cars too.
: - ( we cannot make the Thenay run, especially as Paul found a good retrostyle B&B to stay in…grrr.
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