Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

NEW Forum Software


& Clementine the Cat
Bedford UK
The current forum software is obsolete. We will need to change software within the next couple of years to keep it working on the web server.

I'm planning to get ahead of the game and change the software next weekend.

Any feedback much appreciated. The new software is by Xenforo. If you have experienced it elsewhere and found things you don't like then let me know so I can fix them on here before the change.

The benefits

  • There is not much change
  • The new software works on mobile phones
  • The format is cleaner
  • Communication is easier in a lot of ways - the new forum tells you when someone has replied to your post.
  • It's easier to use for uploading photos etc.
The downsides

  • The new software works differently in some ways - there will be some learning if you use all the new features.
  • The forum will be down for a few hours for the change.
  • Some things are more tricky to use like adding special formats to text.

It's going to look something like this:
(I've not finished fiddling with it yet but getting close)


And on a mobile something like this:

I'm aiming to make the change over on Sunday morning.

The forum will be off-line for about an hour. You'll need to log in again when the forum is back up.
It looks good to me apart from my name being on far too many threads :-)
Good luck!
I hope there will be listing of 10 or more last posts – it's really useful.
Pretty much all the stuff we have now like the new posts list will be much the same.
The new software was written by the same people as this software so it works in a similar way.

I've done some trial imports and they have gone OK. Should be seamless.
It wasn't quite seamless - I needed to reboot the server to make it all work. Should be up and running now. There are a few updates still to do which will happen in the background.

The new forum software works much the same way as the old for posting messages.

Private messages are now called conversations and can be found by clicking your username at the top right of each page.

Tapatalk users with "incorrect password please try again" message will need to log in again. In Tapatalk go to Picks > Automotive > Renault > Clementine's Renault 4 Forum and log in from there.

Let me know if there is anything that needs fixing.

PS: Can you all post OK?
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Hi Malcolm. A lot of great new features. I like the "like" button and also the "my content" which I found when I clicked my user name. Just going to upload a photo to see how that works. I was amazed that over 3000 people looked at my post last year when i bought my new carDSCF6234.JPG
and now I've worked out how to write underneath a photo:)
Click your username in the navigation bar at the top and a dropdown box should appear with the log out link at the bottom.
But why would you want to log off!? ;)

All working well for me thanks Malcolm (or was is Clementine?)
Thanks Malcolm, sorry about the expletive. Just me having a senior moment!
I'm still fiddling with the software. Things seem to mostly work but there are still a lot of bugs to iron out. Putting the software on here was a bit of a test before installing it on a much bigger forum.

Is there anything you don't like or any bugs you can see? Would be good to fix things before installing it somewhere where they take no prisoners...
Hi Malcolm when i click on RECENT POSTS is there a way to determine which of the posts are new and which are old?
On the old site, anything new was printed in bold print. now i have to look at the date on the right hand side under the name of the person who commented to see when it was posted.

OK seems to now be working. Maybe I was doing something wrong
If you are logged in recent posts should become new posts and that should work like you say. if you are logged out and see recent posts link then the forum might not remember what you have already looked at.

The remember me tickbox in the login could be easier to use. I keep not ticking it.
Ah, though when Malcolm says 'much bigger forum' he must be talking about size, not importance ;)
Yes I want to move the MIG welding forum over, but keep it quiet as I haven't mentioned it to them yet. :)
I want to get it as I like it over here first, make sure I've not missed anything in the set up, and change those awful smilies.