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R5 mkI engine identification

hi angel
quick topic diversion
well according to the book all ratios and diff the same except 28 has protected (?) thrust pad and 29 has sealed thrust pad both listed for lhd R1123
hope that helps !!

thats why i quoted exactly from manual !!!!
no idea maybe the guide tube for release bearing ?

the book i have is english so maybe its a literal translation from french book


ps john doe, feel free to carry on after our hi jack /diversion
I was wondering what are these?

Today I took one out but I still don't know what is it?

had a us spec 5 californian with all that on (AND air con and PAS !!!)

because as i mentioned earlier yours is a low compression emmision controlled engine its some sort of recycling gas device
there would originally have been a weird manifold arrangement attached to those blanking plugs
possibly removed locally ?

I can't see how would a californian end up here but who knows... It looks like these plugs were out of service for some time, looks like the holes were welded. I didn't saw any weird manifold... I have to get the oval plate number asap.
Now that is weird. The full entry from the Haynes manual read "used on certain North American Le Car models and other TX versions".

Reading between the line it's possible the engine is the same spec as the Californian engine but probably wasn't fitted with the emissions gear if it was sold in Europe.

Does sound like it's an 8.8:1 compression ratio. That means it'll run on really bad petrol without pinking. Probably a good thing these days. :D
Ouch - bad luck. Does look like it's been broken for a while with all that oil in there.

I'm guessing your engine has a similar cam profile to the 810 engine. That has much longer valve opening time than the Renault 4 engine, so the R4 cam would make it lose performance (if it fits, and I don't know if it does).

Here are the profiles:

Renault 4 688 engine:
Inlet valve opens: 12 degrees before BTDC (before top dead centre)
Inlet valve closes: 48 degrees ABDC (after bottom dead centre)
Exhaust valve opens 52 degrees BBDC (before bottom dead centre)
Echaust valve closes 8 degrees ATDC (after top dead centre)

Renault 5 810 engine:
Inlet valve opens: 22 degrees before BTDC (before top dead centre)
Inlet valve closes: 62 degrees ABDC (after bottom dead centre)
Exhaust valve opens 65 degrees BBDC (before bottom dead centre)
Echaust valve closes 25 degrees ATDC (after top dead centre)

Might be possible to buy a new camshaft. Otherwise the thread for the crank pulley extends a long way into the cam, and I know your father is a wizzard with a lathe. Might be possible to weld it back together and correct it in a lathe.

EDIT> Is that bearing really necessary at all? R4 doesn't have a bearing in the gearbox housing. Is there a bearing in the engine? Maybe weld it back on and use a longet bolt and forget the bearing.
I do have partially dismantled 1108ccm engine so I will compare camshafts but you are probably right, it would make it lose power.

It seems that this camshaft part was held in place by a pulley bolt, I've put it back to see how it behaves, I could turn the engine quite normally. I don't know how much power is needed to turn the water pump and the alternator, if it's not too much your idea might work. I will discuss it with my father tomorrow.

Well I'm sure there is a bearing inside the engine but I will check that tomorrow, it is best to have a bearing so close to the pulley but it probably would work just fine without it.
Probably old news, but the 847/7/25 was fitted to the Swedish and Swiss R5's, it is an emissionised 8.8:1 compression 1.4 litre motor. Those plugs in the head being blanking plugs for the EGR pipes which would originally have been fitted. The AUS spec Fuego and 20TS's had a similar thing, usually the pipes cracked or the valves screwed up, so they were removed and plugs used in the resulting holes.

The HA1/005 gearbox has a 9x31 diff ratio, 1st 12x46, 2nd 17x38, 3rd 24x35, 4th 35x41, 5th 39x37.
sorry for delay on adding my thoughts as my wife has been on holiday for last week and thinks i am spending too much time on net !

firstly your 847 emmision engine has a cam profile of 18 54 53 23 rather than the figures malcolm quoted which are correct for 1300 gtl /ts and 1400 /ts/tx

the reason for extended camshaft on (1978)1300 autos was originaly to clear depth of torque converter
NOTE this setup has oil seal fitted in engine block

later on 1980 when pas was optional 1300 and 1400 had extra support bearings in gbox to enable sideloading on camshaft , at this point both oil seal was moved into gearbox hole and a sleeve setup with o ring on block should stop leaking oil

also be aware of double width chain on sprockets at other end of engine may affect which cam you end up using ( cant remember if it will interchange )

cam snapping as yours has was a problem i have had b4 when i seperated 5 auto box many years ago !! b4 i knew of bearing in box
since then i used to tap cam back into box while gently levering apart

please ask for more info if i have not made my self clear

i could be wrong again but it is also possible that your engine had at one point an air pump driven from camshaft for emmision purposes rather than PAS pump

ps didnt Rudini have cam oil seal problem when using auto 1400 engine( b4 my time here but did read some early posts when i first joined)
I am looking through my options and one is to try to repair this camshaft or try to find another one. I am fairly sure it will be hard to find camshaft with this profile 18 54 53 23 so could you help me with this? Will it be possible to repair this one? If not which profiles would be close enough without losing power? Power upgrade would be ok :)

Tnx ;)