Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Rear wheel centre cap

Grr, I tried removing and cleaning the calliper pistons but on reinstalling, applying the brakes still bound the front one that was off the ground rock solid. I'm running out of time, I have to give the 205 back to my friend, so I'm dropping the quatrelle off to my garagiste in the morning. I hate paying for work that I know I can do myself, but needs must.
I am a bit like that today - I have a single electrical fault on the 4L and I have to get my other car built up for its CT tomorrow morning (it is in total bits). But I need the 4L working first too.

Hopefully the Garagiste will have your car finished by the end of the decade ;)
I suppose it depends on which decade you're talking about *sigh*

Even though I'm no mechanic, I still really hate it when I can't do a job myself. Good luck with the CT.