Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Road trip 2011 - Thenay 50th Anniversary

I hear a lot about this famous Hennessey hot up kit, but I have no idea what it is?

Its the carb, manifolds and carb top off a suitably equipped R5 - Autos, TS / TX all have it. Pretty rare now although I did rescue one off the R5 Auto that was about to be scrapped down in Plymouth.

I did ponder on fitting it to Rapid_Rouge before the trip to Thenay but as I still need to sort the brakes (rears lock under heavy braking) I have decided against it.

Instead I have decided to use my iPod + headphones so I can't hear the noise of the finely tuned 1108cc powerhouse on the autoroute. :)
Well I reckon it's quick enough, not too bother going to the trouble of putting an Alpine 1.4 engine in!

She'll sit wheelspinning as much as I want and I only have drum brakes so it's as much as I want to try and stop!!

Oh and I reckon a 32mm hot up kit is rarer than the flux capacitor and the plutonium you require ;)
I was thinking of finding one of those kit in France, it seems there is still plenty of r5... But just this evening my mechanic told me that a bigger carburettor will not emprove my performances on lpg...
hi all- just sorting a cat sitter out to look after the little ones. i will be going to the show:-) but not in my r4:-( look out for me in my t25 westfalia (need my comfort) looking forward to meeting you guys!

Malcolm I'm staying at LaCroix Blanche right in town at Montrichard, having fun with iphone working in Nice at present, doing some R4 spotting naturelment... If I survive Marseille will be there, yes beer is a perogative that should not be underestimated nor pastis for that matter!
Bientot :)
hi all- just sorting a cat sitter out to look after the little ones.

My mothers does the dirty job for me... cats, chicken ad rabbits... and the little turtles...
As well as water the vegetable garden too...
Last minute disasters over here - Gordini broke down! I think it was just a blockage in the completely clean and well filtered carburettor. Got home in kangaroo fashion and have given it a good blow out so I'll see how it is tomorrow.

Although over the last few days I've been doing the thing you should never do before a long trip - fiddling!
Although over the last few days I've been doing the thing you should never do before a long trip - fiddling!

You're not the only one...

GTL has been pressed into regular service a few days early as the gearbox in my SEAT broke this morning :(

I've been spending the last few days sorting a few minor issues but I think everything is sorted. Went for a 25 mile test drive / thrash to make sure everything is ok and it seems to all be ok. Just wish I could give it a really long run before I set off for Thenay.

I'm a bit tempted to take the F6 though - because I've owned it longer it's more of a known quantity and I can be pretty sure it'd get me there and back without problems. I'll have to decide on this tomorrow though!
Ahh, this fiddling malarkey, it's not good is it!

I've got to try and fit a radio and an accessory socket and that is about all I want to touch. I fiddled with the water the other week draining it all and putting new anti freeze in. Of course it thanked me by splitting a heater pipe straight afterwards!
I'm a bit tempted to take the F6 though - because I've owned it longer it's more of a known quantity and I can be pretty sure it'd get me there and back without problems. I'll have to decide on this tomorrow though!
I know what I would do David, take the F6, better the devil you know, it's reliable and been maintained regularly over the time you've owned it. Plus it's rarer, a RHD F6, the French will love it, :smile:
Thing is though, as the F6 is a van, P&O want to relieve me of an additional £120 if I take that rather than the GTL. Plus the F6 is slower and noisier....

Going to have a trip out somewhere tomorrow afternoon. As long as the GTL is ok then I go in that, otherwise it'll be a frantic session of preparing the F6. I thrive under pressure I do!
We're already for the off, this time tomorrow, fingers crossed we should be in France. See you at the week-end in whatever you decide to take. Greedy beggars these ferry companies.:(