Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Ronnie the Renault and the tick over blues.

My apologies Rusty for giving you the wrong information earlier. The two restrictors in the emission set up are 1.3mm and 5mm. Regarding the flow of fuel, have you tried disconnecting the filter from the pump, and checking the flow while cranking the engine over? There maybe a blockage in the carb, although I believe you have stripped it down.
There is no blockage from the fuel filter back and cleaned the carb through, so dont think there is a blockage there either. There doesn't appear to be a restrictor in the pipe that goes from the T to the bottom of the carb though.
In the best tradition of British bodging I raided my modeling supplies and glued three tubes together to make this, a restrictor for the small pipe to the carb. Fired her up and she is purring! Oh happy days! :)

Thanks to all your help, with mention in despatches to Cornish for putting me on the right track. Cheers!!!

It sure is! Had a rough couple of weeks with my little dog being so unwell, things were getting me down. But she seems to be improving and this is another positive. So let the good times roll! :-)