Well, I measured the H1 (ground to wheel centre) - H2 (ground to bottom of chassis longeron [in line with wheel centre]) distance. The fuel tank was full, and I checked the tyre pressures. According to the manuals, for an F6 -R2370- the difference should be 51mm, +/- 10mm.
The measurements are: Nearside: H1 260mm - H2 142mm = 118mm; offside: 264mm-152mm = 112mm.
I was a bit surprised by this, so I did the same measurement (offside only) on my GTL, whose suspension is fine. Here the difference is supposed to be 41mm, +/- 10mm. The figures were: 250mm-145mm = 105mm!
As far as the tie-rods/suspension bushes are concerned, yes, I had to do a little levering to get the bush bolts out, but nothing too drastic. Has anyone else had problems with the cheap bushes breaking up?
What are your thoughts on the H1-H2 results?