Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Stiff clutch

I am not familiar with the early 1970s cars. I have one but have never removed the clutch. My car that had the same clutch lever was from 1965 and had the earlier clutch release plate like the attached photo. I don't know when they changed to the later type plate like yours.

Engineering ourselves is often the sensible option. That clutch lever was a bad design and doesn't allow for differences in reproduction parts.
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No idea if these help - but here are some pics of mine (earlier gearbox than yours unfortunately) - tho do I an untested one like your is the shed if you want any photos of that Square top 850 engine one)
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  • IMG_0051.jpg
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No idea if these help - but here are some pics of mine (earlier gearbox than yours unfortunately) - tho do I an untested one like your is the shed if you want any photos of that Square top 850 engine one)

**Well thanks guys,:hug: only matter which differs in my car is the release bearing and especially it's top forming.Existing one was the one with rounded top edge, new is the flat/flat top bearing which you seem to have in you´r sixties R4.
I did lots of measuring, as you can see the release bearing lever can give out at least 35...40mm's work lengt, but the clucth cable/lingage can give out only 20mm????

I did even try to cange linkage joint assy so that i put longer link plate to cable end and shorter one to connected to clutch lever.It gave out 40mm, but was totally impossible to operate(hards as stone) with the new bearing.

I studied the lingage output: longer one(hole C7C to shaft hole c/c was 60/35mm's with an angle less tan 90degrees between them.

1)I will change back the old release bearing.Hoping that its rounded surface needs less power to op.
2)will put copper grease to the gear box shaft(for release bearing)
3)cluth cable output(20mm measured after lingage) is quite small compared to clutch lever movement(40mm), have to study what could be done.
4) measured also needed release lever movement when engine was on, it was 25mm and only then the clutch plate seem to release(with new bearing)
5) after all measurements i am lacking a 5mm work lenth to clutch lever...any hints concerning clutch dont have any free adjustment length??
will measure the movement on mine later if that helps ?

Random thought, are you sure the cable outer is all good and not collapsing ? (reducing the travel)
cable collapsing

will measure the movement on mine later if that helps ?
**nice to know at least
Random thought, are you sure the cable outer is all good and not collapsing ? (reducing the travel)
**at least the linkage end look fine?

New cables available from Franzöze:
1)clutch cable Renault 4 L-TL 1967>72 800/705mm
2)clutch cable Renault 4 L-TL-Cargo 73> 1060/975 mm
Both of these seem to have same kind of ends like mine, question is that 1060/975mm means there is core 975mm and cable length with ends 1060mm, giving a travel of 85mm(minus ends), rigth?


took today assy out and checked it.

its very stiff i must stand on it with my holöe weigth(80kgs) and by only then the fingers give up.

calculated needed force(actually kgs) to operate that via linkage and bearing lever-it will be approx 70 kgs and thats too much.

when bolts are loose there is 2mm free between assy and flywheel.So even adding some washer between assy and flywheel dont help, because force needed is so BIG.

pressure plate assy was little rusted, so i did put CRC rust off and WD40 to that owerningt and in plastic pac the hole.
let¨s see what will the result be tomorrow.

i tried to catch a new set from melun retro passion, but still lacking their email for user name??
new clutch pressure plate

orsome;33810 i tried to catch a new set from melun retro passion said:
**Today i finally catched the package MRP send me allready on 21 august, they only forgot to inform me the postal identication code to be able to track in net. Post took the package on my door allready by 24th of august but nobody at home! After 2 stupid attemptps package was allready going to be sent back to france.

lets hope this set will finally wash away all my remaining troubles (car related:cool:)
stiff clutch-help wanted!

**Yesterday i tried to operate new clutch(new pressure plate+new clutch wire installed but the pedal is like a bar iron !

I have the old clutch plate(approx 17mmthich with 1mm gap between plates.
I could tighten up the new pressure plate with hand almost to the flywheel surface, with a gap maybe 1mm to be tightened with wrench.

I checked everything else, operating fork + pressure bearing, greased sft etc

This time i havent tried to move the fork with hand+lever but seems that i must try to doit.

Lingage on gearbox is like it should be.

Have you replaced the cable?
not so stiff clutch anymore

- yes i did, no help

Now i could get the car mowing in garage, also reverse!!!!!!!!!!

What i did i put new clucth cable in, took away all parts(like rubber bellow) to allow max working length of the cable.Earlier it was only 20mm, now it is somewhat 35...45mm's.

Then i found that i lack the bearing roller inside pedal hole(to which the other cable end connects), then i did an extension of 25mms to other end of the cable(inside the linkage on gear box).Meaning that linkage position was wrong to allow movement, short link was too close to linkage frame.I'll try to put some photos here to explain.

Then i grid some metal off the pedal counterpart.Now pedal gets upper location than before, then i bended the pedal end upwards to allow it meet floor mat evenly.I did put 4mm bitumen mat also uder pedals+rubber mats , so...

Now the clutch operates softly like a baby skin.I think too softly when i cannot run hill up.Alos having some motor running adjustment need, timing is not perfect..

Unfortunately winter is coming and i have to try to get it to MOt before November..