Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Water getting in cabin

Well I'm back from our New England holiday and curious to see how successful my attempts at sealing the windscreen has been. Oops, a small puddle on the rubber mat and 1/4 pint of water in the glove 'shelf'. There's no way I can get the nozzle of the sealer between rubber and bodywork, perhaps the aged rubber is just to stiff and won't peal back sufficient, so I have now bought a tube of the famed Captain Tolley's Creeping Crack Cure so onto Plan C. I will NOT allow this to beat me.
It rained last night and even after two applications of Captain Tolleys, there was still a puddle this morning. As the puddle was whitish on colour, the same as Capt Tolleys, I may be on the way to solving it.