Hi Malcolm,
it's right, I'm pretty fast with my restoration. Probably much quicker than most of the other
hobby mechanics.
Fortunately time is one of my biggest resources at the moment and that project is incredible time consuming.
On the other hand my restoration is definitely less thorough and professional than most of the long-term projects.
(E.g. your fantastic job on the Gordini!)
I bought that van pretty cheap and I have to keep my expenses for the restoration as moderate as possible as I am on a very tight budget.
I'm no professional in all these things either.
I never learned how to weld, I never learned how to use body filler properly, I never learned how to paint...
All these "skills" I aquired by "just doing it".
The finish of the bodywork and the paint I used are the best examples of my amateurish workmanship.

If I had the financial background I would have given the body and all the parts to a professional paint-shop to give my project a perfect finish (I think, most of the do-it-yourselfers do it that way).
With a low budget (and all the circumstances of having to work in a narrow, unheated garage) I decided for the less professional, but do-able finish in mat.
I know that the paint is unusual and that it needs some time to get used to it.
I admit as well that I (like the most of you) prefer a glossy, shiny finish, but for me that was simply out of reach. :neutral: