Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

4L International 2019.

Just a reminder we're meeting on Friday evening for a meal in Montrichard you can either meet us at 7:00pm in Thenay square or meet us in the Carrefour Express carpark at 7:30pm in Montrichard we have the table booked for 8:00pm. IMG_20170721_184510270.jpg
Please private message either me or @Mrs renospeed or contact Dad via text to confirm you are coming.

See you there :drunk:.
Hope all of you will have a Really nice time in Thenay,sadly my wife and I won't be able to join in this year as Britts hols starts on monday :dontknow:
Roffen Finally Mot'd and approved,he gave a good fight All the way,but that's all forgotten now as he goes like a shot out a cannon,if you
hang around France after Thenay we might bump into each-other. Look out and give a holler if you see the beige F4 (or hear it for that matter
-as it's LOUD & proud) -R.

We have a problem with the restaurant and are looking for an alternative. This may not be in Montrichard.
Will post later with directions or meet in Thenay village square at 6.45
Ok, restaurant sorted, Restaurant de la Plage south of the river, can park by restaurant. We must be there by 7.30 at the latest. Meet Thenay at 6.45, Montrichard Carrefour at 7.15, or straight to restaurant, booked in name of Palmer. See you this evening
Awesome! Congratulations - what was the prize awarded for?

I still dream I'll be there once
Are you driving on motorways or local roads on the way to Thenay and back?