Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Engine cut out as I was going along the Mway!!

It's pretty straightforward if you follow the Heynes manual which you have.

Before you start, make sure that your mark on your flywheel is at TDC (top dead centre) and the rotor in your old distributor is pointing at the contact point in the distributor cap that leads to No 1 cylinder.
This is just to prevent timing hassles afterwards. Its a very common mistake
Yup checked the spark (HT lead to dizzy), and on starting there was a spark one but it was intermittent. Hence the problem starting (I assume)

After a while it always started though.

Wouldnt account for the cutting out after 10 mins of driving.

When it breaks down there is no spark from HT lead to dizzy. Checked.

As regards fuel, pump is fine as I have a fuel filter already in place (see photo) and I can see the fuel pumping through fine.

I have removed the electronic module (see below photos) seperated the module from the mini-radiator and cleaned the gunk off both sides.

If its the module that overheats , then the heat wasnt convecting away from the module to the mini-radiator efficiently so....

I have bought some Arctic Silver thermal paste (used in PC's). this I have put between the module and the mini-radiator to help convect the heat away from the electronic module.

In fact when the car broke down and I touched the mini-radiator it wasnt very hot.......which would be correct if it wasnt convecting the heat away from the electronic module quickly enough.

RESUMÉ: (See last photo)

I have changed the battery

I have changed the Coil for a brand new one

I have changed the all the leads from to the plugs and dizzy.

I have replaced the electronic module with better thermal paste.

I am now ready to take Cristine for a test run today.

Will report back later chaps, or much later if I break down in the middle of knowhere.
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Ive got the 2nd hand ducellier dizzy sitting on the kitchen table ready for new points and a new head to it.

Thats waiting in the wings.

Just one more try with this set up.
I think you misunderstood my previous post!!

When I said ,
"before you start make sure that the mark on your flywheel is at TDC,"

I didn't mean when you start your car, I meant when you start removing your old distributor to replace it with the new one.

I don't quite know why you're still persisting with the electronic ignition when you've just bought the Ducellier
Well Just got back from the test drive....


Yes it broke down again after 10 minutes driving around the car park.

I opened the bonnet and checked to see if there was a spark by removing the end of the HT lead at the dizzy and holding close to the cyclinder head.

No spark.

I just dont understand

There was power going to both terminals on the coil, I tested with my little screwdriver with light inside, but no power coming out the top.

Really frustrating.

Well I think thats it with the electronic ignition.

Full steam ahead with the ducellier:

1. how do I know if the ducellier I bought fits my car?

R324C33 it has on the side.

OK Mojobaby. I understood what you meant in your previous mail. And I will probably need some help and advice to get through this mend.

First of all I will get some new points for the ducellier and a new head for it as The one I have got doesnt seem to fit all the way down.

Ive got 3 coils for sale and half a tune of Arctic Silver Thermal paste and some old leads that are probably fine too.:lol:
We R4 people are spoiled by lack of electronics in our cars...these are more than typical symptoms of electronic ignition circuit board. Owners of Italian 80's cars know better, they used to carry one or two spare ignition modules in the glovebox, as replacing it on the side of the road was a routine job...
Don't waste your time with a test light, it is NOT a correct way to see if the module is working. Replace it with a known good one, or (bettesr) revert to points.
Cheers Angel

Yes I have done some diging on that particular module and it was in a lot of fiat 600's.

So that would go along with what you said.

Everyone I am sure will be pleased to hear I am reverting back to a ducellier and points.

"I told you so" I can hear everyone........ok ok. you did.


Is the only way to find out if the Ducellier dizzy fits my car, is to take the old one out and see if it fits?

I have bought a R324C33 - 525387A

For my 688 engine
OK we have moved onto the next phase of Cristine's resurrection.

So we are moving to a new thread for "Operation distributor"

Follow: Notch on flywheel

Perhaps the diaphragm inside the pump has a small hole in it, hence it only works for a short length of time.