when I bought the car at the end of May, I found the oil was as black as the ace of spades. The inside of the oil filler cap had black butter around it. Therefore I decided to give the car an oil and filter change, so as to flush the engine through. The handbook strongly advises against flushing oil. Well after 250 miles I felt enough was enough, so carried out another oil/filter change plus fresh oil in the transmission. Both were jet black so I don't know when the car was last services.
It all went well, probably because when I first did the oil change, I'd cleaned up the drain plug and Coppaslipped it. I always put any threads onto the circular wire brush to clean up the threads as this saves me aggrevation in the long run.
I discovered the cooling fan was held on just with a pair of rusty clips at the top after repainting the fan, I used trusted cable ties instead.
Today it was time to adjust the valve clearances. The tappets had been noisy since I bought the car. Mr Haynes says don't use pliers but without a 3mm or 4mm open ended spanner...............I used pliers. It took what seemed like ages and all of the clearances were on the lose side. I then found that the inside of the rocker box was well and truly crusty of with burned on filth and it took a couple of hours in the parts cleaner and using a blunt stick, steel wool and endless patience, I got the insides clean. I cleaned up the outer surface, primed it and painted it a fetching shade of silver. When it dried, I refitted the rocker box, back to front (Jeez!). The gasket needed glueing on as it had also fallen down. Try again and the rocker box was in place.....plus numerous scratches too.
The throttle cable on my engine passes through a sprung loaded tensioner, the plastic portion of which had a crack. A dose of Araldite made no difference to the fragile little device. Anyway I assembled it with a new E-clip and it promptly snapped! A phone call through to Mr Reno and a modified version, which may even fit, should be winging it's way to me tomorrow.
My parts cleaner uses ex-RAF kerosene which stinks to high heaven when it gets on my skin and overalls ;-)