It has been a while so time for an update.
Currently there's hardly any time for working at the R4 GTL.
In the past weeks we've sold our house and bought another house just 3 doors away, so now it's time for packing and making preparations for the move.
Our current house was build in 1910, the other house was build in 1947 and allthough it's a bit newer it needs a lot and lots of work so again another project
The younghest son succeeded in getting his driver's licence and instead obtaining his own R4 (or R5 Alpine

) he bought a moped a Honda MTX-SH from 1988.
The MTX also needed some TLC, a small restoration and rebuilds on various parts, so in the past weeks he went to work on stripping it, cleaning, restoring etc. you know what I mean.
Lucky me, he let me do the engine, so here some photos.
The engine was 70cc and due to some ridiculous Dutch law some 100 years ago, that's not allowed over here, 49,9cc is the max
After opening the engine it was clear that rebuilding was necessary, parts where missing, seals where leaking, a cracked crankshaft bearing, one crankcase was bad, one cylinder head bolt was poorly fixed etc. etc.
I decided to replace all the seals and all the bearing (SKF C3 type bearings) and I found a replacement crank case.
Time to rebuild the engine, this time with a 6 speed gearbox.
6 speed gears, primary and secondairy axle, gear selector and 3 shifter forks
Rebuilding the crank case.
Last part is the clutch but first I soaked the friction plates in oil.
The last bits and closing the complete crank case
The youngest worked hard on reassembling everything (his mind stood on driving

) and here is the preliminary final result and everything worked.
And after a job well done it's time for a beer and don't forget the dog