Hi. Can you please tell me how many teeth on the cog? mine has 16. CheersThis is what I have left fron an old gearbox. I don't have the ID, because I threw it away some time ago. If you are interested, send me message. View attachment 22809View attachment 22810View attachment 22811
Hi. The plastic part is what I call the cog, it needs to have 16 'high' bits(teeth) on it to fit my worm driveHi, what do you mean with the cog?
Hi. The plastic part is what I call the cog, it needs to have 16 'high' bits(teeth) on it to fit my worm drive
Great, what would the cost be posted to UK?Mine has 16 teeth! Still available
Hi. Thanks for your help, Rosie now has a working speedo, not very accurate though, when doing 30 mph speedo says 40. Is this normal? SteveMine has 16 teeth! Still available
All sorted now, just 10mph out at 30, car reads 40. Thanks for help. CheersYou need Renault parts 7700623376 and 7700623377 those parts are not made aftermarket and NOS is pretty hard to find but not impossible.
Otherwise you replace the complete gearbox.
Possible resources and advertisments for HA0 146 gearbox are:
http://www.renospeed.co.uk (don't know if they do parts but just phone or email them)
In France (home of the R4) where I find and found loads of parts:
https://www.leboncoin.fr/equipement_auto/1560975275.htm (could be a 146 just email them);
https://www.leboncoin.fr/equipement_auto/1520001450.htm (a 146);
https://www.palace-de-lancienne.com/products/boite-de-vitesse-hao-146-pour-renault-4l-gtl (very reliable seller)
There are over 27 million Cleon engines build so a suitable HA0 gearbox could found as well.