Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Stay safe everyone

Malcolm.... I admire your coolnes in this situation (at least reading your words) as i am in simmilar situation and getting panic little bit.

Croatia is fighting strongly against corona.
Schools, kindergartens, are closed. All gatherings are posponed. Recomendation is to stay at home as much as possible. Self isolation is mandatory for anybody who enters country or was in any contact with infected persons.
Number of ill persons is relativly small if you consider that Italy is our neighbor and country has big economy conections with Italy.

Maybe whole situation is overblown but that is why many people get seriousness of situation we are all in.
Malcolm.... I admire your coolnes in this situation (at least reading your words) as i am in simmilar situation and getting panic little bit.

Good stuff can come of it so long as you don't give in. Keep a positive attitude and find things to do. As you do them you'll think of other things and maybe some ways to make money again. It's going to be difficult for a lot of people, but the worst thing you can do is slow down and get depressed so make plans to avoid that.
lockdown here in France for 14 days now, I have work to deliver to uk but that's off now. I think we need to take this very seriously 388 people died yesterday in Italy alone, glad to hear everyone is keeping busy & trying to stay positive. All the very best to you Robert on the frontline, what's the lime for Malcolm?
Lime is for building work I need to do. It's an old house and cement doesn't work well. I hope Melun will be able to deliver my chassis in May.

It's such a tricky balance. Removing work and all social interaction is sure to increase the number of suicides amongst those who would otherwise have just had a minor cold. On the other hand many more will be saved by slowing the illness down. Being positive in adverse circumstances takes a lot of hard work and planning. Worth getting prepared.
Facts from history......

Did you know that?!

Quarantine is "invented" by Dubrovnik Republic back in 1377 as protection measure from spreading diseases especial plague.

Anybody who came to Dubrovnik Republic from parts of the world that was know for some diseases (mostly far oversea Countries and Continents) had to stay in quarantine for 30 days before entering Dubrovnik Republic and city of Dubrovnik.

One interesting facts in this time of quarantine

Stay safe
Lime is for building work I need to do. It's an old house and cement doesn't work well. I hope Melun will be able to deliver my chassis in May.

It's such a tricky balance. Removing work and all social interaction is sure to increase the number of suicides amongst those who would otherwise have just had a minor cold. On the other hand many more will be saved by slowing the illness down. Being positive in adverse circumstances takes a lot of hard work and planning. Worth getting prepared.
yes, i use it here too, much the same, pointing work in old stone buildings etc, hoping to build a straw bale studio & maybe use it in the floors & natural renders
Maybe we should keep busy and post our projects here? If you're unable to go out much, perhaps it's the perfect time to get on with those things you've been putting off, or hobbies you've always wanted to do? It might be home baking, building a bird box, reading a book, knitting, building, learning something new?

Take care :hug:
It's a situation where we can't do anything more than protect ourselves and wait. Really weird.
We have only five deaths so far, I hope they won't get more. People are scared for good reason, because Italy is so close to us. There is no lockdown (yet) but most shops, restaurants, cafes and so on must remain closed, and people are encouraged to stay home, so Athens has been unusually quiet the last days.
Luckily I have enough projects in the "batcave" to keep me busy.
Well peeps, went to our house between Brive and Cahors on Monday. Left my sons place in London at 6am and got there at 7pm. Its about 600 Miles. Tuesday morn woke up to curfew 6pm to 6 am and only local travel with a completed attestation form for that individual trip. So... we spent Tuesday day sorting the house, and then Wednesday sorting the garden, refilled the car, and got an attestation form. Spoke to the wonderfully helpful Consul at Bordeaux, Danielle, and got ready for a breakout yesterday, thursday.
So at 5.30am we got the car loaded, turned all services off, and at 6 set off. Took all the back lanes to get onto the main road avoiding the over zealous local cops in our local town, got onto the A20 motorway and sped off. Blue skys, warm, sunshine, first flush of leaves, beautiful. Saw barely 50 cars on the whole route back to Calais, a lot of lorries, and one set of cops checking things at Dreux. Got to the Tunnel, and NO ONE THERE. We were the only car in the car park. Not a soul in the building! Got a train immediately, and eventually there were 6 cars on the train. Got off at Folkestone, overcast, gloomy, cold, drizzle, and the roads full of cones, cars , idiots, trucks from all over Europe.
During our time in France I could not get Ronnie the Renault out. We did not visit a shop, or speak to anyone, bar on the phone. Very strange.
Look after yourselves, take care, and see you on the other side. Edwin
Stay safe and well everyone, just got message from my boss that I've to stay at home while living in the hotspot area of The Netherlands (red circle).
but not Amsterdam? that's strange do they know why?
I haven't got a clue, and about Amsterdam... the sensible Dutch don't go or live there. My opinion, one lives and enjoy life to the fullest in the countryside and absolutely not in metropolitan areas.
I haven't got a clue, and about Amsterdam... the sensible Dutch don't go or live there. My opinion, one lives and enjoy life to the fullest in the countryside and absolutely not in metropolitan areas.
my neice is studying at Gerrit Rietveld she's getting worried about people not complying with government advice
Last weekend we saw the microcephalic crowds gathering in parks and beaches. With words we aren’t sick so we are not contagious
and some more dim witted replies.
I do hope your niece is well.
Myself I got struck down by the dreaded virus. I have been in quarantine for the last week. Finally doing better again.
Myself I got struck down by the dreaded virus. I have been in quarantine for the last week. Finally doing better again.

Glad you are getting over it OK. Much less chance of passing it on to the more vulnerable once you've had it which should be a good thing for your work.
I'm feeling happier than I have ever felt. I did get a little stressed last week and decided to come out as transgender. That has absolutely fixed my stress and despite some uncertainty after losing the job I have less stress than I have had for years. Should anyone else have more stress than they can deal with then now is the time to get rid of what stress you can. I've found that nobody else gives a toss - they have their own stresses at the moment so you can do pretty well what you want.

I'm looking forward to the Kent run next year :-)