Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Stay safe everyone

Good to hear you are getting better harbourseal.

Reason people do not follow recommendations is why here in Croatia we are not allowed to leave pleace you live without pass issued from civil headquaters.

It looks to harsh but it looks like it is working against this virus.

Stay home and be on safe side.
It's exactly the same here Petak. Measures seem to be efficient, too.
But looking at how easy is to handle billions of people at the same time, one may think that the source of this - or any such - virus is neither unknown, nor random...
I'm feeling happier than I have ever felt. I did get a little stressed last week and decided to come out as transgender. That has absolutely fixed my stress and despite some uncertainty after losing the job I have less stress than I have had for years. Should anyone else have more stress than they can deal with then now is the time to get rid of what stress you can. I've found that nobody else gives a toss - they have their own stresses at the moment so you can do pretty well what you want.

I'm looking forward to the Kent run next year :-)
That's great news Malcolm, lovely to hear something positive come out of these dreadful times.
After 3 weeks of being sick and recovering I started working again on Monday.
I walked in to a reality check. Had to organise a dialysis on the ICU in my late shift. While caring for 6 patients on the regular dialysis ward.
This wont be over soon I’m afraid. By the looks of it we will be flooded with renal care patients that recover from Corona but have renal failure because of it.

Stay safe everybody.