Hi, and... thanks you for correcting my faults, I don't know if it's the best R4 in the world, but I know that it is doubtless much better than it was in july of 1986... Concerning my fault, sorry, when I have a doubt I use this link:
And for the technical terms this one...
After that I reinstalled the hatch, I introduce you my parents who came to help me

I have to admit that I took a very long time to reisntall the system to hold it opened, I didnt' remember the working of it

I was lucky to find the black cover of the drip mouldong at my local Renault suppliers, very easy to adjust in only one piece, even at the rear corners where the bend is stressed:

Then I wanted to bleed the brakes, I started naturally with the right rear wheel, but impossible... I was so angry and disappointed not to be able to do that by myself, so I (re)called another time my friend Sylvain, he decided to open the drum:

And here is the most surprised thing since the beginning of the restoration, look at this picture of the inside of the cylinder: there is the hole for the bleed, but NOT the second one of the pipe

Sylvain decided to solvethe problem simply by drilling the cylinder at the correct diameter:

After having ended to bleed the brakes, which now work correctly, I installed the accelerator cable, but Inoticed that I forget to drill the inner wing for the accelerator cable return spring ! I carefully do thet before installing a rubber grommet not to damagedthe paint and for a better finishing