Hi everybody, there are very good news... but before telling the most important of them, let me show the differents parts which have been refitted on the car...
Finally I finished the washing of the front seat, even one of them has a little damaged on the basis, they appear in good condition
Then I sorted out all the hardware necessary to fit the doors on the car:
After having stuck the weatherstrips the doors are ready to be fitted, please notice that I made this job on the bed, the only place I was sure the paint would be not crossed off
The first one to be fixed on the car was the right rear one, the regulation of the lock took me very long time before being satisfied of it, and of the distance with the body:
I made the same job on the hatch, the strip was very hard and needed clamps during the drying of the glue:
During this, I fitted the clutch cable and regulate it:
And this part on the manifold:
The fuel tank filler pipe was also very hard to adjust, but at the end it's also beautiful outside as inside