Some progress is finally happening here.
Material for chassis parts is chosen and send to the cutting and bending and spot welding. At the end i hope it will look as Renaults spear part.
I am still waiting for guy in factory to call me that parts are finished.
Then it is my thing to bring these parts to the body repair guy. He has one month job to weld all parts together and to put protection on chassis from inside and outside.
In the mean while i have started to work on engine and transmition.
Open engine to see what is going on inside. Head gasket has started to rotten and it was right time to change it before make a bigger problems.
But beside head gasket engine is in ok stage. Cylinders are in good shape and no need to intervention on that. Basically all that i will do is change all gaskets around engine, change water pump (SKF), change timing chain (original Renault parts-everything except timing chain tensioner because it is no longer available-as i have been told- found one at
Same thing with gearbox. Open it to see is everything all right, change parts if needed and put new gaskets all around. All gasket are original Renault parts
One thing that I hate with engine and gearboxes is when they are leaking oil.
Clutch kit is bought (VALEO).
ATE brakes (front and rear) all around are ordered and waiting to be delivered.
Brake lines newly made by local hydraulic garage.
I am trying to prepare all things before chassis came so that after chassis is in my garage i have to put it on.
Some engine pictures are coming
This last picture is more into ex Yugoslavia people here on forum. This letters FDP is abreviattion of factory (Serbia) that made engine block for Renaults factory in Novo Mesto (Slovenia) who made Renault 4. Hope others wont mind! TX!