Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Homegrown Garage Green One -75

Wow, what an article, what a workshop, what equipment !!!! (not that I am jealous or anything, yea right haha)
I am in awe of your skill set. Thx for posting all this.
What I need is similar on an 1108cc unit.
I'm really hope to inspire others to to the same, simple cheap mods that makes your engine more agile with minor cash invested. I wishes I had more machines so could do things more proper, flattening the warped head would have been easy with a milling machine but I worked around it with flat table and elbow grease.
Happy you like my tread looking forward to see your 1108 build.
GreenOne keeps up being very versatile
We started winter preparations bringing fire wood from fathers farm. 3m3 on three trailers so I guess we had massive overload.
Trailer weight for GreenOne is 500kg maximum and trailer itself is 200kg so net load is just 300kg legal. Some weeks ago our municipality gave away 500m2 concrete slabs 50x50x5cm for grabs. We managed to go five rounds 15 slabs (450kg)on trailer and three (90kg)in the boot.
Today we drove some bushes/trees to fathers farm and picked up a lathe that have been sitting in his shed for 10-15 years. Dismantle as much as possible so i can manage the weight by myself and experience.
New place for the lathe is in my train shed, so managed to ensemble most of the lathe bet it had a rough time so som welding and fix is needed.
Think I sorted major stuff today. One thing that is good with my father is that he know how to use oil, so everything is well lubrcated
All this hard work GreenOne managed really good but fuel consumption was worst ever with 0,84l/10km. Front wheels also suffered from start with heavy trailer resulting in skid marks on first gear.
Half a liter 10-60 oil she got in the morning.
Something I have to sort soon is connecting the choke mechanism cos she is running rough before working temperature.

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GreenOne have no easy enthusiast car life.
Its a hard working Renault , mostly the trailer is hooked up behind transporting firewood, garden machines, furniture, building material, car parts etc.. I guess it´s treated like in the 70, 80 and 90s a good reliable work horse.
Winter starts getting a grip of us here in Sweden so I had to fix the choke. Though I had changed the carb to an 35mm the choke cable were supposed to sit on the opposite side. Could solve it with a longer cable but I always do things my way so I the other way around. Not right but i works. May be fixt correctly withe a longer cable sometime.
The other week we got 40cm (15") snow during a day happily it melted away week after but it high lighted the I need new winter tyres if I´m going to drive GreenOne during the winter as well also need to upgrade coolant so it can stand -25C
Got my lambda bung nut plug so I can take out my wideband lambda from the car.
Now I just need to give her som TLC so she copes with the winter Climate.

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Green One have come in the garage for some TLC. Last trip when picking up fire wood from my fathers place the rear hatch handle had frozen so I had to pick things through the car from the hatch.
Bought some almost new winter tyres 155-13 to a VW Polo, right dimensions so started take of sommer tyres from the front wheels and fin two more rims that look the same.
A bit surprised the were no inner tubes just modern valves and tyres. Hmmm ok it seems to work so I just cleaned mating surface rim to tyre, put in new valves and mount tyres. Some fiddeling later all tyres was on the R4 rims.
Balancing seems impossible nowadays here in Sweden. How are you balancing your tyres?
After one day inside varm garage with my de-humiditer car was dry inside out and the frosen rear hatch handle defrosted. More work needed but one thing checked at the list.

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Self balancing is also possible all you need is a base cone exactly water level and a second ring on springs.
1. Be sure the contraption is level without the wheel
2. Put the wheel on and read the water level deviation, put the right amount of lead to correct the deviation so that it's level
3. Flip the wheel and repeat step 2 and job's done.

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This is a method of statically balancing wheels, which does not take into account lateral imbalance that can only be fixed by dynamically balancing a wheel.
Problem is that, wheels without a centre hole (or with a smalll hole) need a special adapter to be fixed on a modern balancing machine. Almost no tyre shop will have this adapter, as they don't expect to come across such a wheel nowadays...
Good news is that, up to 100-110 km/h any dynamic imbalance is hardly noticeable, so if your wheels are reasonably true you are not going to have trouble in the typical R4 speed band.
This is a method of statically balancing wheels, which does not take into account lateral imbalance that can only be fixed by dynamically balancing a wheel.
Problem is that, wheels without a centre hole (or with a smalll hole) need a special adapter to be fixed on a modern balancing machine. Almost no tyre shop will have this adapter, as they don't expect to come across such a wheel nowadays...
Good news is that, up to 100-110 km/h any dynamic imbalance is hardly noticeable, so if your wheels are reasonably true you are not going to have trouble in the typical R4 speed band.
Guess I was lucky
No imbalance notable at any interval up to 120km/h.
Have you any pics or links to how adepter looks?
Some more TLC.
Removed the wideband and put some sealing were firewall was modified when they put in collapsable steering column, on the exhaust side I removed sensor and put a M18x1,5 stainless plug in from China.
Changed cooling fluid and cleaned the glassbottle bleeding al trapped air out, so now it should stand 25 minus degrees C. The studded wintertyres seem to work aswell holding air no vibrations etc..
Took a pic on my unortodox choke cable arrangement, not the way it´s designed to work but does the job greatly.
An update on my latest garage tools I bought, an almost unused old qulity spotwelder, tested and it works great, same with the sheet bender. Very happy with the new machines that was picked up with the GreenOne.
Studded tyres on the trailer, check all lighting and hopefullt the pair can make a 5-600km trip picking up a Porsche engine.

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Some Cristmas preparations.
Went to fathers place pick up a cristmas tree, some walking in the woods and a fir was chosen.
Trailer was loaded with summer tires in return and the fir get home and deiced in the garage and today wife made the tree.

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Yesterday was the big test. 500km (310miles) with trailer pick up a Porsche 996 turbo engine.
Car feels reliable new winter tyres all fluid under control etc, but this something else. 3-hours konstant driving (exept for pee paus).
The GreenOne was prepared with jars containing oil, coolant, petrol and coffe for the driver, as always my tool kit and drive belts to waterpump in the trunk. And for pick up i brought a pallet worn R4 tyre, a box ratchet straps, some fiber cloth and plastic to cover engine from dirt and debree.
Very happy that I installed working choke, car drives ok direct from cold. It´s the shortest day of the year today (vintersolståndet) and yeasterday was almost the same. I was really lucky, weather was on it´s best side sun from 8:45 sunrice till 14:45 sunset so all 6 houres with potential sun was sun.
The seller finnishes work early due to christmas so I was aiming to be there as early as possible aiming for 15:30 so left home 12:30 bit nervous but also faithful in the greenOne.
Can say people love the looks of a R4 with roof rack, specially when there is a trailer behind passing them :clapping:Cruising speed was 80-105km/h depending on up or downhill. Three hours later I was at sellers place -"**** this is KING" was his opening speach :laughing:
We already made up the deal last time i visited so it was a matter of loading eveything on trailer and inside the car. Put the engine centered on the trailer sitting on the R4 tyre ten som pieces of wood att strategically places in front and then rached with the straps then som dirt protection last handshake and home we go. First thing to do is to fill her up 260km on 20,1L E10 feels great (0.75L/10km).
With the preciuos load on the trailer we kept lawfully 80-90km/h on the way home sipping coffee from thermos, three hours plus later I was finally home. Almost exactly 7-hours and I am impressed with the comfort once you understand to sit like in a armchair instead of i car seat. Car has Canada heater so I didn´t even need to have fan on for keeping cabin warm, earlyer I had an opening in the fire wall due to lambda metering after I seald that off car became more quiet. The slower speed going home reveals in better fuel consumption even with 250kg extra load on the trailer.
Still problems with excessive engine case pressure. The 6-hours resulted in half a litre oilconsumption/blowby.:whistle:

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Yesterday was the big test. 500km (310miles) with trailer pick up a Porsche 996 turbo engine.
Car feels reliable new winter tyres all fluid under control etc, but this something else. 3-hours konstant driving (exept for pee paus).
The GreenOne was prepared with jars containing oil, coolant, petrol and coffe for the driver, as always my tool kit and drive belts to waterpump in the trunk. And for pick up i brought a pallet worn R4 tyre, a box ratchet straps, some fiber cloth and plastic to cover engine from dirt and debree.
Very happy that I installed working choke, car drives ok direct from cold. It´s the shortest day of the year today (vintersolståndet) and yeasterday was almost the same. I was really lucky, weather was on it´s best side sun from 8:45 sunrice till 14:45 sunset so all 6 houres with potential sun was sun.
The seller finnishes work early due to christmas so I was aiming to be there as early as possible aiming for 15:30 so left home 12:30 bit nervous but also faithful in the greenOne.
Can say people love the looks of a R4 with roof rack, specially when there is a trailer behind passing them :clapping:Cruising speed was 80-105km/h depending on up or downhill. Three hours later I was at sellers place -"**** this is KING" was his opening speach :laughing:
We already made up the deal last time i visited so it was a matter of loading eveything on trailer and inside the car. Put the engine centered on the trailer sitting on the R4 tyre ten som pieces of wood att strategically places in front and then rached with the straps then som dirt protection last handshake and home we go. First thing to do is to fill her up 260km on 20,1L E10 feels great (0.75L/10km).
With the preciuos load on the trailer we kept lawfully 80-90km/h on the way home sipping coffee from thermos, three hours plus later I was finally home. Almost exactly 7-hours and I am impressed with the comfort once you understand to sit like in a armchair instead of i car seat. Car has Canada heater so I didn´t even need to have fan on for keeping cabin warm, earlyer I had an opening in the fire wall due to lambda metering after I seald that off car became more quiet. The slower speed going home reveals in better fuel consumption even with 250kg extra load on the trailer.
Still problems with excessive engine case pressure. The 6-hours resulted in half a litre oilconsumption/blowby.:whistle:

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Amazing how much you use your R4. A real workhorse !
Our cars are strong and robust vehicles.
A team of ladies could go from South America to Alaska 1962 with their R4s proves the reliability of the car.
My cars is used as what they where built for.
Wish I lived in your climate.
So true, I drove a R4 in the early 1980's for daily use when I was skint, and it never let me down. Until the floor rotted away with all the salt on the UK roads during the winter. I even carried heavy bags of cement and sand in the back. Oh and horse manure ! They are amazing vehicles !
Cyprus is a good place to live, although it's far too hot June-Sept with global warming. I love Sweden although it's very expensive place to live.
Have a nice Christmas and enjoy using your R4 workhorse in 2025.
I wrote after my long trip (500km) that it had consumed 1/2 L oil on that trip. Checked my notes so have i topped up with 1/2L 10/60 oil once on a total of 3400km this year and still ok on the stick.
Today have been a sorting out day. Some TLC on the trailer before MOT. Rescrew the wooden flooring now third time and bigger washers every time, next time we have to replace the board I guess. Some corrosion on the brake light bulb. Winter tires sirted them self within the 500km trip. Every year we put them on one tyre av tiny leak between tire and rim. Guess the trim made a good seating cos it still was 2.5bar.
Next was changing belts on a snow mower I sorted for this year. Once I got the engine dialed in and carb settings ok, made an under tray that was missing etc etc. Ready for test drive the starter assembly disintegrated. Secondhand in USA was 150$ plus freight so I bought a universal from china 40€ freight included. Needed to extend the starter hub some lathe, pipe and welding it’s working as designed.
My friend Mats (he and I have slow car performance contests R4 vs T2) sorted some belts for me with his discount at work. When arriving ti collect them he had been out picking up some wood for carpentry with his really nice 1972 T2.
Belts in place and the everything adjusted snow mower ready for the winter.
Only problem it’s crazy big, so have to make a cover so it can be left outside.

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Have Skoda Felicia 1,2 as commuter car, need to have fuel economical car cos I got 120km back and forth to work.
Last night almost home my battery warning light came on. Put out high beem, fan, and heater on the seats and upend the speed considerably to get home on the charge in the battery. I got home YES.
Tiny oil leak dripping directly on the alternator and needs replacement or cleaning. GreenOne is stand in and ready for duty. I love this car, 20cm snow some minus degrees. Choke turn key and Wrooooooom nice. Put in reverse and the deep snow seems not be a challenge with the good snow tires on.
Probably GreenOne have to be my commuter next week 500km, so roof rack went off it’s both a snow trap and bad for fuel economy.
15 minutes later it is ready.

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Car did its duties very well .
It took two weeks before I got my commuter car back on track. As a daily driver meanwhile the GreenOne run almost 1000km mostly winter roads. The biggest drawback is the window wipers, two speeds, no intermittent, no fixed end stay. Heating is great, start to understand how everything should be adjusted to get great heating without using the fan.
Had one big hiccup first week, early morning should go to work and battery was totally flat. Yea totally dead nothing left. Hurry down to my other garage get a battery and cables. The totally flat battery took to much energy so starter went slowly. My plot have some level difference so put extra battery on passenger side closed door and hood lightly with cabels still attached. Pushed car to the slope second gear, when speed was right I turned on the starter and jumped the clutch WROOOOM YES. Car started, hold it on 2000rpm for a while then adjusted the choke cable to hold the rpm. Disconnect cables and battery and put it in the trunk also a battery charger so I could have car on charge during my work day.
Seems like the fan motor somehow drained the battery even if it stopped when turned car off. Have been sure to turn the fan off after this hectic morning.
Have tried to have a speed 80-95km/h to be able to get some mileage numbers. The crazy day I have the up speed considerably mostly 100-120km/h to get in time to work. Can say a lot of commuters was surprised when got passed by a R4 30-40km/h plus on their speed
One fill up I managed to go normal speed and car tool 6,5L/10km and the other fill ups was under 7L/10km.
Don’t know how much a billancourt 845 is supposed to take.

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